2019 BVRAC Cardiovascular & Stroke Symposium
May 16, 2019
| FreeNow in existence for over 35 years, the Brazos Valley Regional Advisory Council (BVRAC) represents all healthcare entities involved in trauma, acute care and emergency services within our designated region.We proudly serve the Brazos Valley and are dedicated to the development and implementation of cohesive systems of care which allows our healthcare teams to provide optimal care of the injured or ill patient. Through ongoing education efforts, BVRAC continues to strive to expand its programs and offerings to benefit our region. We hope that you will be able to take part in this exciting event we are offering this year and experience firsthand the pride we take in supporting our community.
Target Audience: Nurses, EMS and other allied health professionals
Continuing education credits will be available.
Point of Contacts:
Chelsea Bischoff- chelsea.bischoff@bswhealth.org
Rebecca Hickman- rhickman@st-joseph.org
Register Now At:
Levels of Sponsorship are listed below:
Platinum Sponsor: $1,000.00
Gold Sponsor: $500.00
Silver Sponsor: $250.00
Vendor Fair catagories as listed below:
Vendor Fair Only: $500.00
Non-Profit: $100.00
Go To- https://payments.bvcog.org/ for online payments